In 1976 she was purchased and restored and became the Isabella Fortuna. It is totally my guilty pleasure:) Now that there are episodes with Russian subtitles (which is a language I also speak) my husband is finally able to relax:) This may not be for everyone, but if you love history and period dramas, it is certainly entertaining and a great way to learn Turkish. During the herring boom of the 19th century over 10.000 people were employed in. Now we are half way through season two and we are still hooked! I love the overall feel of the show, the costumes the stories etc yes it can be totally cheesy at times, but I think they did an amazing job. Feeling the intimacy between Isabella and Suleiman, Hurrem Sultan gets jealous and threatens Isabella.
Isabella attempts to run free multiple times but to no avail.

Suleiman aims to use her as a trump card while bargaining with European monarchs. Well I am sure he was not so happy for that suggestion for the months that followed as we would watch almost every day and he would translate for me. Spanish princess Isabella and her servant are abducted by Turkish pirates and sold to the sultan.

To say I have been obsessed with this show for the past few months is to put it mildly:) I don't speak Turkish and my husband (who is Turkish) suggested we watch the first episode for fun and he would translate.