The very similar Longform and Longreads both started significantly later than Give Me Something To Read but always got a lot more attention, with Longreads fueled especially by its active Twitter presence. Marco Arment observed about The Feature (formerly known as Give Me Something to Read): The articles are still hand-picked, and they are featured in Instapaper's website as The Feature, and in the iOS app as The Feature section. On March 22, 2012, Give Me Something to Read was renamed The Feature. As of March 2011, Dunlop-Walters was Instapaper's only employee besides Arment. On July 27, 2009, Arment hired Richard Dunlop-Walters as a part-time contractor to take over as editor. Marco Arment was the editor for the site's first year. Unlike a conventional social news website, which carries stories posted automatically by popularity, Give Me Something to Read is human-edited. On June 1, 2008, Instapaper launched Give Me Something to Read, a standalone website that featured a few high-quality, longform, nonfiction articles every day from Instapaper's most frequently saved articles. Manually sending individual articles, or digests of recent articles, from the Instapaper app is currently a Subscriber feature.
The Kindle feature alone is used by over 60,000 Kindle owners as of late 2011.
The Instapaper for Android was built by development shop Mobelux in 2012 and supports Android phones and tablets.Īn automatic send-to- Kindle feature was added on March 8, 2009. The Instapaper iPad app launched with the iPad itself on April 3, 2010. Later in 2011, the redesigned 4.0 app added full-text search of all saved articles for customers with the optional $1/month subscription. On March 10, 2011, with the launch of the 3.0 app, Instapaper added social sharing and browsing features. Instapaper's paid app, then called Instapaper Pro, launched shortly afterward on Augand introduced tilt scrolling, which automatically scrolls a column of text when the device is tilted slightly up or down.
Instapaper's free iPhone app (removed from the App Store on Ma) with offline reading was one of the first apps in the App Store on July 12, 2008. These features became free for all users on November 1, 2016. Later, the app became a free service, but with certain features exclusive to a "Pro" version of the app, and later an "Instapaper Premium" subscription, such as ad-free browsing, full-text search, and voice dictation on supported platforms. Instapaper was initially distributed as a paid app. Every article is automatically reformatted to remove excessive formatting and graphics. Within a web browser, a "Read Later" bookmarklet can be used to save pages to a user's personal unread queue on Instapaper. Instapaper can be used via a web-based interface, or through mobile apps for Android and iOS. On May 23, 2018, Instapaper announced that it had suspended its services for residents of the European Union in order to address compliance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements. On November 1, 2016, Instapaper announced that it would discontinue its subscription model and offer its "Premium" features to all users. The service continued to operate, and the Instapaper staff worked on development for both Instapaper and Pinterest. On August 23, 2016, Instapaper was acquired by social networking service Pinterest. Afterward, the service's web interface was redesigned. In April 2013, Arment sold a majority stake in Instapaper to Betaworks. When Marco Arment launched the service publicly on January 28, 2008, its simplicity rapidly earned accolades from the press, including Daring Fireball and TechCrunch. Instapaper started out as a simple web service in late 2007 with a "Read Later" bookmarklet and stripped-down "Text" view for articles. The transition was completed on August 6, 2018.

In July 2018, ownership of Instapaper was transferred from Pinterest to a newly formed company Instant Paper, Inc. In April 2013, Arment sold a majority stake to Betaworks and by mid 2016 Pinterest acquired the company. The service was founded in 2008 by Marco Arment. Instapaper is a social bookmarking service that allows web content to be saved so it can be "read later" on a different device, such as an e-reader, smartphone, or tablet. Online bookmarking, saving articles for later reading