Familiar faces | The biggest draw to the game is by far the Final Fantasy branding behind it.What we Liked! Terra from Final Fantasy VI in the signature Magitek Armor.

ℹ️ Reviewed on Nintendo Switch| Review code provided by Nintendo, this review is the personal opinion from the writer. #ChocoboGP #NintendoSwitch /zEWfJ53rGL- BloodyGoodReviews™ 🚫 Stop War March 10, 2022 The Final Fantasy victory fanfare never fails to trigger my nostalgia. Something that will ALWAYS succeed in just that, is hearing the Final Fantasy victory fanfare: There were a few memorable moments in Chocobo GP, but most of them boiled down to nostalgia or that great feeling of recognition when your brain realizes “I know this” and you instantly revisit long dormant parts of it that make you feel giddy like a kid on Christmas. In this review, we’ll obviously look at the game for its own merits, but don’t be alarmed if we compare it to MK8 here and there: both games are very much alike! The concept of Chocobo GP will surprise no one: it’s almost a carbon copy of what Mario Kart 8 does on the same platform, but with some Final Fantasy characters, tracks and music added into the mix to give that extra draw for fans of the series as well as suckers for nostalgia like myself. It’s not a genre Square Enix is totally new to either, with Chocobo Racing on the original PlayStation that was well received as a cult classic. LifeisXbox’s Chocobo GP review | The Nintendo Switch aims to keep its title as reigning platform for Kart Racing games with this latest Final Fantasy inspired one.